What is Governance?

Governance is a system that aims at enhancing an institution’s performance, raising its competitiveness, improving its capability to face threats as well as strengthen its credibility and its partners’ confidence. In 2018, TUA succeeded in developing governance tools that are used in its work procedures, capable to adjust tasks and develop a succession plan. The institution's governance; which consists of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the executive management, makes sure to apply the governance systems in conformity with the governing and regulatory bodies in Jordan.


Governance in TUA is based on:



Tkiyet Um Ali’s Board of Directors role is to supervise the organisation's management team and staff who serve the beneficiaries and facilitate the donors’ and volunteers’ contributions to benefit the community in the best way possible. The Board of Directors coordinated with specialists to issue the Board Charter that reflects the structure, esponsibilities and tasks of the Board. The document also sets the overall framework to Board members' evaluation, which has been monitored every year to sustain the work flow compliance with set regulations and instructions. In addition to affirming that public policies and goals are achieved, The Board of Directors also sets, examines and evaluates the strategic plan, and certifying the efficiency of the organization’s internal audit and risk management systems, as well as ensuring that the annual report is published in time so that it can be approved by the General Assembly.


INTERNAL and external audit

The Audit and Risk Committee Charter was approved and implemented, as the document defines the structure, tasks, and responsibilities of the Audit Committee within the Board of Directors, and due to the importance of auditing reports’ results, they go through several stages to be prepared. The first stage includes an internal audit team who are reporting to the Audit and Risk Committee to ensure the conformity of the procedures and financial reports with the applied regulations of the organisation, by preparing periodic reviews designed to assess high, medium, and low risks, and accordingly apply corrective actions and suggest their recommendations to the Executive Management to avoid risk occurrences. The compliance unit of the Director-General also monitors the uniformity of laws and regulations are being applied by TUA's departments, to assure the workflow in accordance with the associations’ law issued by the Ministry of Social Development. Furthermore, The General Assembly appointed an external auditing firm (Ernst & Young) to conduct an audit on TUA's annual consolidated financial statements, and issue an independent financial statement to be approved on the previous financial year.


transparency & disclosure

Tkiyet Um Ali values the full and clear disclosure of its operative information and financial statements. The Audit and Risk Committee reviews the financial statements that include the auditor's report and balance sheet. After the approval of those statements and report, TUA publishes its annual report on its website and distributes it to its partners and stakeholders. TUA ensures to be accurately disclosed and available to everyone at the same time.  



Reflecting its keenness on achieving high efficiency in all its processes, Tkiyet Um Ali regularly evaluates its employees and assesses the organisational structure and assign clear job descriptions for all the staff. Also, TUA follows its policies and procedures which are regularly reviewed. Such procedures are regularly evaluated and updated in accordance with the work requirements. All of TUA’s policies are aimed at protecting its employees, partners, and beneficiaries, these policies include; a code of ethics, non-discrimination, disclosure, and innovation and creativity, in addition to other policies. TUA’s adherence to high governance plays a huge role in boosting its credibility and transparency, and helps achieve its objectives, ensures the implementation of its strategy as to achieve long term continuity and sustainability.